I completely missed a couple good photos recently while out just rambling the street. I ran into a mother and young girl walking back from a daycare. The girl had the biggest milk mustache I'd ever seen and I tried to get a photo. The mother consented but the girl completely turned on me and began trying to squirm and wiggle out of my frame in protest. I tried to be nice but she spurned me and I had to retreat and thank the mother for the opportunity.
Later I was up at the library when a homeless man tried to walk out the door with the bathroom key. The security guard gave chase and he threw the key in her direction, ricocheting it off the glass entry door. She picked it up and held it over her head in a menacing fashion while the man berated her. He screamed, calling her a racist and some other choice words. I wanted to get a frame of the confrontation, but I left my camera in the car. After a lot of heated yelling between the two, the man gave up and wandered back east up Ponce and the guard returned to her post at the library. If you've ever been to the Ponce library, you're familiar with their no nonsense policy. If a cell phone goes off, the security guard will hunt you down in the stacks and make you shut it off. I've always been worried I'll forget and get an earful from the guards.
After missing out on those photo ops, I'm just going to post this snap of the intersection of Highland and Ponce adjacent to the Briarcliff.